Friday, June 5


I've been having really weird dreams for the past few days but only few stayed vivid in my mind until now.

Like uhm the other night i had this really unusual dream. I remember i was with a friend and we were in some kind of funeral but i really duno who was being buried and my friend and i were just chatting and stuff. I wore a black dress and my friend wore a red dress and when i looked around i saw the female casts of Gossip Girl (yes, weird) running around, wearing yellow dresses.

And another one was uhm, i was back in my hometown. I was standing in the same street i walked for 3years or so going to school. As i turned my back i saw this really huge black train losing direction and eventually collapsed out of its track. I was just standing there and i saw a car (hit by the train) walking towards me. No, running towards me. IT HAS FEET. It was chasing me and i ran so fast i don't even know if i was still breathing at that part of the dream. And then i kind of stumbled over another scene wherein i was in a really dusty and dark room with black curtains and a single hospital bed with rusty handles. Also it has this tall door and there was a bag under the bed. Later did i realized it was mine and i checked my stuff esp my money and it was there. And then this unfamiliar girl suddenly came in and that's all i can really remember.

So i kinda looked it up over the magnificent world wide web and here are the possible meanings that makes sense:

To dream that you are at somebody else's funeral, signifies that you are burying an old relationship and closing the lid on the past. You may be letting go some of the feelings (resentment, anger, hostility toward someone) that you've been clinging onto. If you are dreaming that you are at a funeral of an unknown person, then it suggests that something in your life is supposed to put to rest or put aside so that you can make room for something new. You need to investigate further what aspect or component of your life you need to let go.

Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Red is also the color of danger, shame, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.

The color yellow has both positive and negative connotations. If the dream was an unpleasant one, the color represents cowardice and sickness. You may have a fear or an inability to make a decision or take action. As a result, you are experiencing many setbacks.

To dream of your hometown, indicates that you may be experiencing some unexpressed feelings. You may feel that you are not able to fully express your emotions. This could be triggered by a waking situation. The dream could also reflect aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed when you were living in your hometown. Did you abandon certain values or ideals when you moved to the big city? Did you forget some aspect of yourself and who you really are?

If you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears. To dream that you are running alone, signifies that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation. Or it may also mean that you need to hurry up in making a decision.

To dream that you are in a room, represents a particular aspect of yourself or a particular relationship. Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality. 
To see a dark, eerie or confining room, denotes that that you feel trapped or repressed in a situation.

To see a girl in your dream, represents your playful, innocent, and childlike nature. Perhaps you are behaving immaturely in some situation. Alternatively, a girl represents the feminine qualities of your character.

To see a bag in your dream, represents the responsibilities that you carry.

To see or win money in your dream, indicates that success and prosperity is within your reach. Money may represent confidence, self-worth, success, or values. You have much belief in yourself. Alternatively, dreaming about money, refers to your attitudes about love and matters of the heart. 

I dont know what all this means. I guess i still have some hang ups from my previous relationship.. Wow, imagine what a heartbreak can do. Make you dream weird dreams, make you see weird stuff. I think im just goin' crazy. Everyday, like i already am.

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